**The book in photograph above can be found by clicking here**
We create high quality ebooks (epub files) for you that:
- Will load on all major platforms
- Are properly formatted
- Are cleansed of validation errors
- Are guaranteed to load
- Are created to a professional standard
We offer the following conversions:
- MS Word to epub
- MS Word to kindle
- MS Word to mobi
- PDF to epub
- PDF to kindle
- PDF to mobi
- Mobi to epub
- Mobi to kindle
- Mobi to PDF
- epub to PDF
- epub to kindle
- epub to mobi
- Kindle to epub
- Webpage to epub
- Html to epub
We often perform ebook conversions for other publishers for which we offer competitive commercial tariffs. In addition, we are happy to carry out one-off conversions for self-published authors.
Creating well-formatted files for ebook publication can be challenging without the right know-how and tools. We guarantee all our files. Free corrections to your files – no quibble .
Basic Tariff
These tariffs cover 80% of requests. If you have additional requirements or a specific question please get in touch before placing your order.
SIZE | SIMPLE (single column text with no more than 5 images or tables *) | REGULAR ( Simple text with more than 5 images or tables**) |
SHORT (up to 100 pages) | £59 | £99 |
MEDIUM (101 – 400 pages) | £109 | £152 |
LONG (401- 600 pages) | £159 | £204 |
* Suits most fiction and simply set out non-fiction. No cross references, indexes or complex formatting. A table of contents is included.
** Suitable for most non-fiction. A reasonable number of lists, subheadings and a table of contents are included.
Note. If you have additional requirements please ask for a quote.
Get in touch
If you would like a no-obligation quote please submit your file and details in the form below.
Also use this form to upload your file after you have made a purchase.
(If you have any issues uploading you can email it to us instead)
Do you already have an epub file that won’t load?
We offer an epub cleansing service, guaranteed to remove all epub validation errors.
When you try to submit an epub file to Google or Kobo, it may show that there are validation errors with your epub file, and in some cases the platform will refuse to publish your ebook as a result.
Validation errors are common in epub files that have been automatically generated, in both fixed layout and free flow epub files. Some of the examples of the epubcheck errors that might appear include:
Error while parsing file: attribute "link" not allowed here; expected attribute "class", "dir", "ID", "lang", "style", "title" or "xml:lang"
Error while parsing file: element "img" missing required attribute "alt"
Filename contains spaces, therefore URI escaping is necessary. Consider removing spaces from the filename.
Error while parsing file: identical playOrder values for navPoint/navTarget/pageTarget that do not refer to same target
We can fix all of these and much more.
What we offer is a cost-effective service that converts the digital files you use for creating paper editions into high quality eBook files.
Each conversion is carried out for a fixed price based on a tariff that takes into account...
The number of pages
The complexity - things like tables, illustrations and complicated page layouts add to the
The state of the files submitted - sometimes there are technical faults in the files that need more manual intervention
Trouble free files
The eBook files we create for you will work properly and look right on all the main eBook devices and APPs.
Although you may be able to convert your own files yourself using free software available on the internet the files produced often have glitches in them which either prevent them from uploading properly or result in odd display layouts. We have specialist in-house tools and techniques for fixing these problems and have 100% success rate. So, if you have problems with file conversions do get in touch.
Making an eBook edition of a paper book normally generates more sales
Although, when asked, most readers say they prefer to read paper books to reading eBooks, many say that when they are on the move they tend to read eBooks. That may explain why industry surveys indicate that 40% of readers buying eBooks also bought the paper edition.